Sunday, February 11, 2007

Find the name of your session bean in JBoss

If you are writing JEE applications, you will most likely write a Session Bean to provide your View Tier with the services it need. This Session Bean is reached by the client application through a service called JNDI.

The problem is that each Application Server uses a different JNDI provider and this makes portability very hard to achieve. I wrote the code below to allow me to access the JNDI service and find my Session Bean. Please note that this would be much better placed in the container configuration file and not in the code, as it is here.

protected static Context getInitialContext( ) throws javax.naming.NamingException {
  Properties p = new Properties( );
  p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "jnp://localhost:1099");
  return new javax.naming.InitialContext(p);

This method will return a java.naming.Context object which can be used for the lookup on the service, like this:

PatientServices patientServices = (PatientServices)jndiContext.lookup("PatientBean/remote");

And how can you find the name under which your bean has been published on the application server? Well, in JBoss all you need to do is access the jmx-console (default URL is http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/). On the jboss session from this page, find the JNDIView service. Click on it and a new page will display on your browser.
On this new page there will be a java.lang.String list() MBean operation, and clicking on the invoke button the names of all available JNDI names will be shown on a tree-like structure which composes the name under which your Session Bean is registered on the JNDI service.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I have deployed two copries of same application ear with different war contexts, all session beans are local, i want that every ear should be self sufficient which is not. what is happening is that the first ear I deploy is the one which gets looked up by both modules.

please suggest me..

Anonymous said...

I have managed the ears to be isolated in the JBOSS app server by editing an xml properties file in deploy folder. In ear-deployer.xml file you will see a property isIsolated , set it true.