Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Which binary file am I running in Cygwin?

If you want to find out which of the binary versions of some file you are running under Cygwin you can try two commands: "which" and "type".

type -a ruby

Should return something similar to:

16:55:17 ~$ type -a ruby
ruby is /usr/bin/ruby
ruby is /bin/ruby
ruby is /usr/bin/ruby

So would this:

which ruby


Find this article also on

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ruby on Rails Model Auto Completer

When developing web applications nowadays, caring about user interaction is mandatory. Using Ajax technology to allow your system to show information without reloading the whole page is one of the features every web user is getting used to.

One good example on this kind of interaction are those text boxes with auto completion. While the user types some name the system will automatically search for matches to those names in the database, offering sugestions on possible existing values.

However, if such a text edit box is part of a form you also need to populate some hidden fields with the returned ids for the text you found on the database.

Ruby offers a text edit option that will perform auto completion by searching in the database, but it does not populate another field.

The model_auto_completer plugin is perfect for this job! If you have, for example the following models, you can type (and lookup) the name of a contact directly in the Transaction form:

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base

class Transaction < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :contact

First thing you gotta do is to install the model_auto_completer plugin using the command:

script/plugin install

After doing this go ahead and install the default auto_complete plugin from rails:

script/plugin install auto_complete

Then, in your view file, add the call to the method that will render the text_edit for the contact name and the one for the contact_id (which is hidden) will also be automatically added:

<%= belongs_to_auto_completer :transaction, :contact, :name %>

The method in the Transaction controller which gets called by the ajax method must be named accodingly:

def auto_complete_belongs_to_for_transaction_contact_name
@contacts = Contact.find(
:conditions => ['LOWER(name) LIKE ?', "%#{params[:contact][:name]}%"],
:limit => 10
render :inline => '<%= model_auto_completer_result(@contacts, :name) %>'

One problem you might run into is to get an error messsage regarding the forgery protection. Something like this:

ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken):
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.0.2/lib/action_controller/request_forgery_protection.rb:79:in `verify_authenticity_token'

This message is telling you that the POST command you are sending is not being understood by the gorgery protection mechanism. To overcome this problem, just add the command below to your Transactions Controller:

protect_from_forgery :except => [:auto_complete_belongs_to_for_transaction_contact_name]

Well, this is pretty much everything you need to make this plugin work. Have fun!!

You find this article also on

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Using forms in Ruby on Rails

I found this great guide on how to use forms in Ruby on Rails.
It is quite complete and it comes with a lot of examples on how to create HTML form entries using Ruby on Rails.

Google App Engine with Java

Google now offers the possibility to use Java for its App Engine!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Running tests in the command line on Ruby on Rails

I normally run the test suite for my Ruby on Rails projects using the Netbeans test interface.

Unfortunately this interface is only useful to run the whole suite. It does not offer (as it does for Java) the possibility to run a single test class or a single test from a test class.

When I need to this I just go to the command line and type:

ruby test/functional/accounts_controller_test.rb

But what if I need to run one single test from this test class?
No problem, it is actually very easy. Just type:

ruby test/functional/accounts_controller_test.rb --name test_should_create_account

That's it!

You can also find this article on